Center of worship for all nations

Our Vision is to be a Center of worship  for all nations where people are saved, healed, set free, discipled and empowered through serving the Almighty GOD.

Who and what we are

Welcome to our website where you will learn more about the UAAC (United African Apostolic Church). Our slogan is “Lwanzhe lwa shango” which means “Sea of the world”. Please take the opportunity to browse through our menus. We know you will enjoy the experience. May the Lord bless you and remember, Jesus loves you and so do we.

We are the second largest African initiated Church in South Africa, with our headquarters in Ha-Mavhunga, a village in the Nzhelele Valley, Limpopo Province.




I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me

Forgiving those who hurt us is the key to personal peace.

G. Weatherly

Happiness, to some, is elation; to others it is mere stagnation.

Amy Lowell

Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, faith looks up.
