It is mandatory for all UAAC members to wear the church uniform whilst attending all church functions. With a few exceptions, distinctive outfits are worn with a blue belt printed the name of the church in full. The outfits are worn in relation to a position a member holds in church.

UAAC members are prohibited from wearing the Uniform in public, unless when attending fellow members’ funerals or performing other church sanctioned tasks such as unveiling tombstones.

Sunday School

The UAAC has established Sunday Sunday services for kids and Pre-youth members. They do not have a specially designed uniform and as such wear the uniform for young men and women.

Young women 1

Young women choose between two modes of uniform.

This mode is an ankle length white dress, code-named “Munazaretha”, usually trimmed with a blue lace on the bottom and a blue collar that is fastened in its corners. These are complemented by an unprinted belt fastened around the waist and a white hat.

Young women 2

Young women choose between two modes of uniform.

This second mode is a long blue skirt worn with a thigh length white blouse and a blue collar that is fastened in its corners. These are complemented by a white hat and the church belt which hung from the left shoulder and fastened diagonally across the chest.

Young men 1

Young men chose between a knee length ( blue coat and White Shirt ) or ( white coat and Blue Shirt ) with the full name or abbreviation of the church printed on the back. The coats are worn with a church belt that is hung on the shoulders.

Young males are also encouraged to wear black trousers.

Young men 2

Young men chose between a knee length ( blue coat and White Shirt ) or ( white coat and Blue Shirt ) with the full name or abbreviation of the church printed on the back. The coats are worn with a church belt that is hung on the shoulders.

Young males are also encouraged to wear black trousers.


Evangelists wear an ankle length green gown with gold tassels on the chest as well as the church belt hanging on the shoulders.

Vhakhokheli (Middle-age women)

Vhakhokheli wear an ankle length blue skirt with a knee length white blouse, waist length white shoulder piece, blue collar, white hat with blue ribbon around it and blue waist band.


Vhafunzi (Pastors / Reverend)

They wear a standard black shirt that has a standing black collar that is sewn to accommodate a white plastic insert, leaving a small white square at the base of the throat and a white outer gown with gold tassels on the chest extending to the shoulders and back. These are complemented by a church belt that hangs on the shoulders.

Vha-Jevrou (Old women)

Vha-Jevrou wear an ankle length blue skirt, a knee length white blouse, blue shoulder piece, white hat with blue cross in front and blue waist band.

Branch Presidents

Vhaingameli wear a blue gown with gold tassels on the chest that extend to the shoulders and back. Its collar is trimmed with a gold lace. Their shirts are blue and have a standing light blue collar that is sewn to accommodate a white soft plastic insert, leaving a small white square at the base of the throat.


Councillors wear an ankle length blue undergarment which is covered by a knee length white gown with a blue patch on the chest, shoulders and back. They also wear a white four tiered crown hat with a cross in front. Their shirts are light blue with a standard light blue collar that is sewn to accommodate a white soft plastic insert, leaving a small white square at the base of the throat. The church belt is hung from the left shoulder and fastened diagonally under the armpit of the right arm.

Senior Councillors

Senior Councillors wear an ankle length blue undergarment which is covered by a knee length white gown with blue patch on the chest extending to the shoulders and back. Their shirts are light blue and are sewn with a special collar on the base of the throat. Their gowns have straps on the shoulders. These are complemented with a white four tiered hat with a cross in front and the church belt hung from the left shoulder and fastened diagonally under the armpit of the right arm.


Inspectors wear an ankle length blue skirt, white knee length outer garment with blue patch on the chest, a light blue shirt, a short four tiered white crown hat with a cross in front and the church belt hung on the shoulders.

Senior and chief inspectors’ gowns have straps on the shoulders.


A specially designed flowing blue ankle length inner garment, a knee length white outer garment with a blue patch on the chest and straps, a four tiered white hat and a church belt. The BD as affectionally known also wears distinctive long garments or outfits, depending on the occasion he is attending.

Senior Supretandant

A specially designed flowing blue ankle length inner garment, a knee length blue outer garment and a four tiered blue hat and a church belt hung from the left shoulder and fastened diagonally under the armpit of the right arm.


A variety a long tunics that differ in colour depending on who and where the Bishop is based. Their outfits are complemented by long hats whose colours are similar to the predominant gown, mostly the outer garment.

Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Luke 12:27