Under the theme “How will you be remembered as a Women“, the 2019 Zimbabwe Women Conference lived to expectations as the UAAC faithful converged in large numbers at the Matebeleland South Town of Mlelezi on 24 – 26 May 2019. “Uphakeme! Uphakeme!! …Hallelujah! Hallelujahh”, the Women sang as they welcomed each other to their annual spectacle that attracted women from  all corners of Zimbabwe. Jevrou Maluleke, Senior Inspector Tshisikhawe and Inspector Maudu led a sizable South African delegation to the conference.

From the general church leadership, 9 Bishops from Zimbabwe and 1 from South Africa graced the conference with their presence. These were Bishop Sidogi, Bishop Rumasa, Bishop Rukumbo (host), Bishop Dube, Bishop Sihlabangoma, Bishop Manyangeni, Bishop Tshakhuma-Muleya, Bishop Gwenzi, Bishop Chitewere and Bishop Hlabangwana (RSA). Brigadier Gora, Ambassador Dube, Ambassador Makhofe and members of the National Executive Committee led by Chairperson Rev Nelufhangani and General Secretary Rev Ramudzuli were also in attendance.

Inspectors Ndende and Dube directed the Program.

The Conference was officially opened by the Chairperson of Zimbabwe Bishops, Bishop Rumasa. He read from the book of Nehemiah 8:1 and Ezra 10:9. He mainly encouraged the Women to enjoy their conference and call for unity among all the attendants.

Senior Inspector Tshisikhawe delivered the first sermon and opened the podium for all the women to preach the word of God, centering their messages on the Conference Theme. They took turns encouraging each other to be responsible Women who take care of their families. Reading from the book of Acts 9:36-40, they encouraged all the Women to be like Tabitha (Dorcas) who was always doing good and helping the poor. They also implored each other to be be role models for young women.

Women League leader, Jevrou Maluleke encouraged the Women to emulate what Dorcas did in the bible. She indicated that Women must be exemplary in whatever they do and must leave positive footsteps for those who are following them. She concluded by calling for togetherness among all church members as that is the only attribute that will sustain our church and Christianity in general.

UAAC Chairperson, Rev Nelufhangani, paid homage to the women and called for unity among all to live the legacy of our departed leader, Archbishop EMM Mureri. He indicated that as leadership, the will ensure that the Women are supported all the time, be it during conferences or other church related activities.

Bishop Rukumbo, the host Bishop, expressed satisfaction with both attendance and proceedings. He exhorted all the Women to remain united and wished all attendants safe journeys home.

Peace be unto all!!